About Me

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Shy, quiet and mostly kept to herself, clysa Dragoone aka Cly is a sweetheart until she is crossed. Rezzed on August 1, 2010, she came into Second Life only to dance, have fun and make new friends. Working as Head Dancer and Host at the Velvet Manor Night Club, she never thought about modeling till now as her sweet little neko friend, Nickle Sparrowtree, got her active. Also, with the help of Anrol Anthony and Steve McCullough, she entered the UCWS to study modeling for the Class of March 2011. Cly now strives to make it through even through the hardest of challenges within the world of modeling. At present is running in three latest contests, "Ms Elegance", "Ms Sophistication" and "SL Too Sexy". Plus, she participated in three fashion videos to date. She also, looks up to those before her, and seeks advise from the top models, such as DebbieDoo Tigerfish and Laylah Lecker, whom she considered as her role-models and good friends. In the end, her passion will still be in dance, but is thrilled to be given this chance to open up and prove herself, making herself someone in the SL world with the help and thanks to all at CWS.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Velvetryms Fashion Video

Wow, had a shock after class yesterday, March 5, 2011. Was told if we wanted to learn about the Dome Formation we could attend the Velvetrymse Fashion Show. What I didnt expect was to be picked afterward to be part of a video for the designs. There was 10 of us, 7females, 3 males. It was awesome and i hope to get to do more in the future.
Here are the winning models for the video:
Sevrin Davidov
Linu Wirefly
Janda Sahara
Zianna Parx
Zigrich Zsigmont

Forth Day of Class: Etiquette, Confidence, LAG, Inventory

[11:40]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: =Sunday March 6th, 2011
Time: 12:00 noon/slt by VeronicaLynn Parx
➤Organizing your Inventory and learn how to read and understand important note.
➤How To Check your ARC and Lag issues
➤ etiquette of being a model-This class covers manners
➤ Interviewing Techniques-This class covers how to present yourself
➤ Self-confidence
➤ What not to wear on stage
➤ Kind of shoes to wear.
➤➤Organizing your Inventory and learn how to read and understand important note.
➤➤Learn how to write your Model Biography
➤➤Learn some techniques to compete on the final
➤➤Be fierce on stage
[11:57]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Welcome to class! :))))
[11:58]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: ok, we have lots to cover today
[11:58]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: to lets get started!
[11:58]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: I need u al to pay attention and take notes on note cards to read over later
[11:59]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: today will go fast and at times be overwhelming
[11:59]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: so ur notes will save you
[11:59]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: ALSO....im always available on IM, so if u have a question u can always IM me.
[12:00]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: if u dont ask questions or communicate with us, we assume u know what ur doing, lol
[12:00]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: so dont get to midterms and be like....but I didnt know. OK?
[12:00]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: there are 4 of us to help u and we are always willing and happy to assist u!
[12:01]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: feel free to Im any of us, and at least keep us informed of whats going on with u all if problems arise.
[12:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: lets styart today with some HOPEFULLY common sense stuff.... etiquette and manners
[12:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: pls begin taking notes....
[12:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: copy and paste my chat to a notecard
:::::::: Modeling Etiquette and Manners ::::::::
[12:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: 〖Rules for Your Success!〗
In order to get top modeling jobs you must impress ALL of your modeling clients. To do this, you need to understand that being nice is very important to getting additional assignments. Print modeling jobs are important to your model career as well as runway and pageants! Here are some guidelines for SL and CWS modeling...
    1. BE NICE - Be very pleasant and courteous any time you talk with the staff of     the company you hope to model for. You never know when the decision-    makers that you want to impress will hear through the grapevine that you’re     "difficult". They won’t hire a model that’s hard to get along with! And     modeling is so competitive, the client has lots of others to choose from.     Modeling is a job and a lifestyle, and it will be even more fun and fruitful if you     enjoy what you are doing, stay positive, and have a genuine consideration for     those around you.
     2. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS - Follow all instructions that you are given to     the smallest detail. If there’s a request for more photographs or changes, do it     ASAP. If you’re offered any modeling jobs, respond back immediately with a     YES or NO answer, and with whatever other instructions you’re given. If you     are not interested in the assignment, decline it graciously.
 At CWS it is especially important to follow directions from reading note cards to PAYING ATTENTION TO THE CHAT FROM THE DIRECTOR in a Fashion Show! At times last minute changes take place and you must be ready for anything in a split second. You must read your note cards thoroughly so that you never miss a due date of an assignment or a practice!
     3. BE SMART - Beginning models and experienced high fashion models should     first get their priorities straight. Most first time models should be more     concerned with getting experience and exposure than making money.     Professionals enjoy working with models who are enthusiastic, pleasant, and     dedicated. Be one of these models! Think twice about turning down an     assignment just because you are not getting high paying modeling jobs. Even     the smallest assignment could make a big difference for you as a beginning     model.
     4. RESPECT your colleagues and their efforts and they will appreciate you for     your efforts and in turn will respect you as well. By treating people as     respectfully as we know how and by treating people how we would want to     be treated is an excellent measure that will help to guide us.
There is no place for Diva attitudes in SL modeling because modeling is not really about us. It’s about the talented designers we represent, and it's about the everyday SL residents that look to us for guidance when choosing what to spend their Lindens on.
     5. PAY ATTENTION! - If you are offered a modeling job and you accept it,     listen carefully and make notes! If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to     ask. Make sure you understand all the details and do whatever is required of     you for the job.
 PAY ATTENTION to the announcer during shows and keeping a close eye on local chat. We must be ready and well prepared in case the model before us crashes. In addition, our announcer may crash so we must have our itinerary pulled up. When it comes to fashion shows, or any shows really, the show must go on. We pay attention by reading everything that goes on with the local chat or DVC or VPC chat with our fellow models and announcer, our shows will run smoothly.
         1. Do not IM others while in a show.
        2. Do not go in busy or away mode because sometimes you will miss             crucial information that the announcer passes on or that your fellow             models pass on.
Please don't be distracted when you are on the job if you want to be taken seriously as a professional. You will help your modeling career if you are friendly, helpful, considerate and courteous to others. This includes competing models who are after all, your colleagues.
    6. BE ON TIME - Never, ever show up late for an event! People are waiting on     you - staff personnel, other fashion models, stylists, model photographers, etc.     who have very busy schedules and no time to waste. Their time is just as     valuable as yours. If you are late you will probably not be called again for any     other modeling assignments. If you are unable to show up for a job, make sure     you give the company at least 72 business hours’ notice.
 KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENTS because if you commit to a fashion show it will affect others around you if you do not do what you say you will do. DO NOT COME LATE to contest, its rude an inconsiderate to others announcing and judging the contest! However, we all know that RL is the most important and emergencies happen. However, most of the time we can plan SL around our RL schedules.
     7. APPEARANCE is big part of modeling and obviously is how your avatar     looks. We must have the right shape in order to accentuate the designer’s hard     work and make them look beautiful.
[12:13]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: It’s about making what we are wearing attractive and desirable to the consumer, and to credit the designer’s work and enhance their creative image. We do this by avoiding hair and accessories that call attention away from what we are wearing.
         1. Red hair is beautiful, but Anrol firmly believes it takes the attention             away from the design. One of the rules of etiquette you must follow             here is no red hair please.
         2. Shoes with heel clicks on distract the viewer during the show, so             please ensure you turn those off.
         3. The same principle goes with bling. It distracts the audience’s eye             away from what we are trying to represent, and it is also been thought             to add to lag.
     8. SEND A THANK YOU - After you’ve worked for a model photographer,     company, etc. send a thank you note to express your appreciation for being     allowed the exciting modeling opportunity. This is extremely important. By     sending a polite thank you note, you are reminding this client of yourself as a     working model and increasing your chances for additional upcoming jobs.     ALWAYS SAY THANK YOU!!!!
〖Working With Other Models and Modeling Industry Professionals〗
Working with other people is a big part of the modeling arena and you are very unlikely to come across a job where you will not have to rely on and work with other people. The best thing is to get along with them. The last thing you want to do is annoy the people that can very likely end your career before it has even begun.
[12:16]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Using the modeling etiquette techniques and guidelines mentioned above, you should always make sure you do everything properly and conduct yourself professionally. This is not to say that you cannot stand up for yourself if you are being treated badly. We are all very distinct individuals; however, when we model in a group we become a community. Every community has its own guidelines on what they deem proper etiquette, and Second Life is no different.
12:17]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Social norms and rules vary across the grids, but it is important to adapt and to learn and practice how to get along within a group.It’s particularly useful in modeling because we must depend on one another and work as a team. As students, your classmates are your team and your new extended family. Always remember that drama is bad and a big no-no. We should get along with each other, and no drama means no apprehension.
[12:18]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Develop friendships and help each other because you are all experiencing the same thing and can be a wonderful support to one another. By treating people as respectfully as we know how and by treating people how we would want to be treated is an excellent measure that will help to guide us.
[12:18]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Working in the modeling industry you can easily come across very highly strung people who might not have the best social skills. If you are new to the modeling scene you can also get treated as a newbie in any industry would. Try not to take offense too easily. You need to have a hard skin for this business and acting with dignity and professionalism will see that you go much further in your career path.
[12:19]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Working with other models in the industry can be a tough business as there is competition and cat fighting that does occur. When you are new you might find that some models are of great help and show you the ropes, while some are bitchy and make snide comments to you. You should not make a scene under any circumstances, as this might lead to you getting fired, but rather ignore the comments and get on with your work. You will find that outperforming the other models and getting more jobs than they do will be the best way of getting to them. Clique's and cat fighting will not be tolerated at CWS under any circumstances and will run you the risk of being fired and or banned if it becomes an issue.
[12:20]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Following these guidelines for manners, etiquette and general team spirit will help you succeed in your modeling career!
[12:21]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: so tell me how u all feel about this lesson....what does it say to u?
[12:22]  Vicky Yoshikawa: Use your brain and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself
[12:22]  Vicky Yoshikawa: its all common sense:)
[12:22]  Cly: lots of hard work and preperation can take you far as well as good friends....smiles
[12:22]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: very important to treat others as u want to be treated yes
[12:22]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: oh nice good friends are so important, and here we are your family!
[12:22]  Vicky Yoshikawa: if you have a problem, ask, don't feel silly to ask a silly question
[12:23]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: we all work hard and we help each other, so as a team we rock the runway!
[12:23]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: if someone is having trouble, we all help them out!...in turn we look like a great cohesive unit!
[12:23]  Vicky Yoshikawa: what is a VPC?
[12:24]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: its the same as ur DVC, but its on a differnt private channel
[12:24]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: when u graduate an du become one of our models, we will send u to go buy one, :)
[12:24]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: they are about 200L, and we will tell u what channel to use
: :::::::: Self-Confidence ::::::::
[12:29]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn:〖Self-Confidence Tips!〗
Do you have a hard time with your confidence? Here are a few tips...
     √ Look for a model (someone who has self confidence) and learn from them.     What is it they do that makes them confident, how do they act?
     √ Focus on your achievements rather than your failures. If you do find     yourself thinking about how you failed then look at what you managed to do     right and how you could correct what you did next time. Be brave and take     risks. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Risk-taking builds confidence. Even if the risk     does not turn out as you hoped it would, you will gain from it. Don't be afraid     of making mistakes because mistakes are how we learn.
    √ Learn how to feel good about yourself. It's not always another person that     has the ability to put us down; many times the person that makes us feel the     worst is ourselves. Think and speak positively! Sometimes we can be so     negative, but in order to be positive we need to talk to ourselves in a positive     way.
    √ Act as if you were self confident! You will feel more confident.
    √ Focus on who you are and what you like about yourself. Why do your     friends like you? Our self talk, or the words that play in our minds when we     think, can increase our stress levels, limit our potential, and make us think     negatively about our experiences. When your self talk is negative, you may see     things as more stressful. For example, when you tell yourself "I can't do this" or     "I can't handle this," the more likely you can't. Our subconscious minds tend to     believe the thoughts it hears.
    √ Prepare thoroughly for any task so that you can be sure you are ready.
    √ Work on any skills you need to do what you want, you can never be over     trained or over skilled for any challenge in life. Start telling yourself "I CAN do     this" or "I CAN handle this." Because eventually WE can control our thoughts     and make our subconscious believe our new positive thoughts.
     √ Work on your relaxation skills. If you have a fear you need to overcome,     challenge yourself to face that fear head on. Set goals for yourself. With each     goal you meet, your self-confidence will increase. If you’re afraid of trying new     things because you might “fail,” give yourself as chance.
     √ Always smile! Don’t fear rejection. All of us have experienced and will     continue to experience rejection in our lives. Try not to take rejection     personally. Sometimes constructive criticism can be perceived as a form of     rejection to a persona suffering from low self-esteem. Remind yourself that you     are an achiever and that you are not afraid to take risks.
    √ Set reachable goals for yourself and break difficult tasks into smaller steps.     Choose one ground shaking goal you want to accomplish in your life, and go     from there. Once you have decided what you want that goal to be, set a bunch     of little mini-goals to act as steps in bringing you towards that goal.
     √ Reward yourself when you succeed no matter how small the achievement.
     √ Finally, I advise you not to be too competitive or compare yourself with     others. Be yourself and accept that life is not a race against others but your self     confidence depends on you and your personal needs.
[12:39]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: yes, i suggest to pick one BIG 100K pageant that is a few months away
[12:40]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: and then begin with small goals like the styling contest
[12:40]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: and work ur way up, so ur soooo ready for that BIG one!
[12:41]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: ok one last self improvement lesson then we go on to some technical lesson of medeling!
[12:41]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: exactly
[12:41]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: never give up!
[12:41]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: ok next...
:::::::: Interviewing Techniques- How To Present Yourself ::::::::
[12:42]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Do you feel that your strengths come across in your everyday interactions? Every meeting, instant message, note card, and resume or portfolio sends a message of who you are and what you are about.
[12:42]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Let’s start with a simple situation. You are about to interview for a gig, meet a new potential client, or tell someone about yourself. Do you have a clear objective of what you want? Sounds simple: You want the money. You want the exposure. You want the experience. While these are all noble objectives to have in mind, they are unlikely to help you during the meeting.
[12:43]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: After some consideration, you may realize that the most important outcome from the meeting is to be remembered. Or maybe you need to address some obvious risks that may concern people? Perhaps you have a few strengths or claims of credibility that you need to get across?
[12:43]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Presenting yourself professionally requires a communications strategy!
    •Be Notable! Identify the components that differentiate you. How do you     stand out amidst the other models? Incorporate the elements that make you     unique in your story. Whether it is your introduction or the pitch for your look,     make yourself memorable.
     •Identify your relevant strengths, especially the ones that come from labor-    intensive experiences (as these are the most credible). Put your strengths out     there, and share the story behind them.
     •Come ready and prepared: Have poses ready and look like perfection. Come     with a positive attitude and show your potential employer that you are an     asset to their business.
     •Ask relevant questions to show interest.
[12:45]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Get over the stigma around self-marketing. Nobody will represent you better than you. Take your aspirations into your own hands - as you are the only one that truly cares. If you fail to serve as the steward of your career, you might as well quit dreaming of the possibilities.
[12:50]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: lets talk LAG!!!
[12:50]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: tell me all how much u LOVE LAG!!!!
[12:51]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: U BETTER LOVE IT!! cause it LOVES YOU!
[12:51]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Lag is like a bad Boyfriend or girlfreind.....it wont go away
[12:51]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Im gonna tell u how to try to out smart it
[12:51]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: ok begin notes....
 :::::::: How to Reduce Lag for Modeling ::::::::
[12:52]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: On your PC:
    1) Delete any files and programs you do not use on your PC. Once complete,     remember to empty the recycling bin before going to the next stage.
     2) Defragment your hard disc. (Windows- Open My Computer and right hand     click on your hard disc, choose Properties. From the window that opens, click     the Tools tab at the top, then click the Defragment button, in that window. If     you have more than one hard disc in your system, you can click each one in     the window that opens and click the Defragment button, one after the other.     Dependant on how badly your Discs are fragmented, this may take some time     to complete)
     3) Check you have the latest drivers for your Graphic Card. Once completed,     restart your computer. Now load up Second Life and follow the following     steps.
[12:53]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: In SL:
    1) Click Edit (top menu of your screen) and choose Preferences, in the window     that opens, make the following adjustments.
     2) Network Tab:
         Maximum Bandwidth:
             move the slider to read 500
         Disk Cache Size:
             set this to the largest size you can
 Remember not to set it any higher than the actual free space you have on your Hard Disc, but this should be a minimum of 500mb.
     3) Graphics Detail Tab:
         Quality and Performance: (Click on Custom box)
         Set slider to Low
         Shaders: Turn Off (deselect)
         Bump mapping and Shiny
         Basic Shaders
         Atmospheric Shaders
         Water Reflections
         Reflection Detail: Turn On (select)
         Terrain and Trees
         Avatar Rendering: Turn Off (deselect)
         Hardware Skinning
         Avatar Cloth
[12:55]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Draw Distance:
         set this to 96m
     Max. Particle Count:
         set this to 50
     Mesh Detail:
         move all sliders fully to the left
     Lighting Detail: Turn On (select)
     Sun and Moon only
     Terrain Detail: Turn On (select)
[12:56]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: 5) Audio & Video Tab:
     Streaming Preferences:
         Turn Off both Play Streaming Music and Play Streaming Video.
     Audio Preferences:
         Select mute audio and Mute audio when window minimized.
    NOW Click 'Apply' button, then the 'OK' button.
[12:57]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: NEXT.......
*Control Alt-G should bring up the advanced tab in SL....Go to Character then rebake textures after each time you change, pop in and out of appearance mode afterwards. (Ctrl+Alt+R)
     1) Advanced tab: turn off rendering of- water, grass, trees, particles, bumps,     clouds. Advanced Menu > Rendering > Types > (all of the above)
     2) Click Clear Group Cache before each show.
     3) Avatar Rendering Cost shows a point score above each avatar's head which     indicates how "laggy" they are on the viewer-side. ARC is found in Advanced     Menu > Rendering > Info Displays > Avatar Rendering Cost. KEEP IT LOW     FOR LESS LAG!
    4) TO KEEP FROM SEEING OTHERS AS CLOUDS.... Open the Advanced     Menu at the top of the screen. If it's not available press ctrl+alt+D to show it.     Once inside, go near the bottom of the drop down menu and select DEBUG     SETTINGS. The DEBUG window opens and in there select     RENDERUNLOADEDAVATAR. Set this to TRUE, then exit the DEBUG box.     This will stop you from seeing others as clouds but not stop you from being     seen as one. Others must change their settings for that to work.
[13:00]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: what these setting do is......put less stres on ur harddrive so images render quicker and faster
[13:01]  Vicky Yoshikawa: I need to know if these settings will affect taking Pics in SL, meaning the quality of the pic, or should we just do these settings for each show??
[13:01]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: the more you demand of ur system, the more lag u have
[13:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: for shows, basicly ur turn OFF everything u dont NEED to model
[13:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Draw dist to 64...just enough to see othe rmodels and runway
[13:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: that kind of stuff
[13:02]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: to model u dont need to rez trees, water and sky, so we trun those off
[13:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: less for ur comp to work to rez
[13:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: so hope fully less lag
[13:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: BUT......
[13:03]  Vicky Yoshikawa: thats great advice:)
[13:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: the MAIN culprit of LAG is other AVYS
[13:03]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: we are our own worst enemy
[13:04]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: lets begin th enext lesson and Ill tell u why other avatars cause us lag!
 :::::::: How to Reduce Lag with Low ARC ::::::::
As most of you know, Second Life can suffer from lag problems. Lag means a lot of things to a lot of people, but in our team (viewer rendering), this mostly boils down to graphics pipeline stalls.
[13:05]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Put simply, this means the more times the GPU (the part of your machine that does the rendering) needs to render *different* things, the slower the experience becomes.
 So, what does this have to do with YOU?! Or even how do you know if you are experiencing lag? First some symptoms…
     1. Your Camera controls are jerky or swing wildly out of control.
     2. Your avatar is frozen. You may spin or you may start walking and then you     are “rubber-banded” into place. If you have ever seen your avy walk off into     the distance…this is lag!
     3. Your posing HUD stops working. Lag affects scripts. Do not panic if your     poses aren’t loading, it’s simply lag. Lag often makes the loading process much     slower.
     4. Your prims aren’t attaching. Lag will interfere with the ability of prims to     attach to your avy or your HUD and your clothes too; they may not render     leaving you either with a previous outfit still visible or you may appear naked.
     5. Your chat takes forever to appear. Lag affects text chat, causing a delay     between the time when the text is sent and it appearing in the text window; or     it may cause the text to appear out of order. In addition, lag effects streaming     music or video, causing it to pause, stop or skip.
     6. The worst possible symptom of lag will render your hot avatar to the default     Linden avy, called Ruth. If you hear the term “I see you Ruthed,” it means     other players see you as a short woman with brown hair with default hair and     skin. Or you may appear as a white cloud, a floating system hair cap, or an     egg.
    7. Lastly lag can simply cause you to crash.
There are 3 sources of lag. Good news is you have a little control over 2 of the sources.
    1. Your computer = Client
    2. Your Internet connection = Network
    3. The SL Simulator = Server
[13:08]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: To better understand where your lag is coming from you can look at your lag meter. If you have Phoenix go to Help > lag meter. If you have Viewer 2 go to Advanced > Performance tools >lag meter.
[13:09]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: You should now see the meter and see that one for Client, Network and Server. Again you are the “Client” that is your computer and second life viewer and the “Network” is your Internet connection to SL. You have control over these two. What you have no control over is the “Server” is the Linden Lab computers.
[13:09]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Ok so if you click on the double arrows on your lag meter it will expand. If the lights are green it means everything is ok, meaning the packets of data are flowing smoothly through all three systems. The lights will go to yellow as LAG in increases and then red if there is a problem.
[13:10]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Again you have some control over two of them, namely your computer and your Internet connection. If you are seriously considering modeling in second life and you have an older computer or a slow Internet connection, if you can, upgrade them.
[13:10]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Server-side lag is caused by textures that need to be uploaded, the heaviest being avatars.
Avatar textures (minimum of 3 MB per avatar) come from sim server (Avatar textures (minimum of 3 MB per avatar) as a sim from server). If you have more textures to render than your graphics card has memory, you’ll always lag, as SL swaps out textures to computer memory (and in extreme cases to disk).
[13:11]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: If you want you can take a look at your graphics speed. The measure of graphics speed is your "refresh rate," which is measured in units of frames per second, or "fps." The higher the "fps" is the better.
[13:11]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: The refresh rate is how fast your computer redraws the scene. Your fps is displayed in the Statistics window, which you can access by pressing <CTRL>-<SHIFT>-1
[13:12]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: By watching the statistics window as you change your graphics settings, you can see what effects various changes have on your speed.
[13:13]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: If you go into Advanced -> Rendering -> Types, you will see a number of different objects that you can turn off and in that way see what gives you a higher fps which is better. You want the highest fps you can squeeze out of your system.
[13:13]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: So in completion.....People are going to build their avatars the way they want. This is great. But, it can also mean potentially disastrous performance for those nearby. Dev's chatted and said "Let the Residents see what effect avatars nearby can have on their experience." Aren’t you curious to see just how expensive those new boots *really* are? So the Devs created a tool to view your ARC #!
Avatar Rendering Cost shows a point score above each avatar's head which indicates how "laggy" they are on the viewer-side. ARC is found in Advanced Menu > Rendering > Info Displays > Avatar Rendering Cost. [Note: If you don’t see an “Advanced” menu option, toggle it on or off by Ctrl+Alt+D]. In Viewer2 its under Advanced Menu> Performance Tools> Show Avatar Rending Cost
[13:15]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: The score is a factor of the size and number of textures used, and the number and type of primitives used. Avatars with large textures, lots of flexi-prim parts and high prim count objects, and/or invisible parts will score higher than one that uses fewer/smaller textures, using a few sculpties instead of many basic primitives, etc.
[13:15]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: The score are color coded. The center of the Yellow band is about a score of 1,000. The numbers turn fully red at 2,000. It's generally best to be considerate of others when putting together your avatar, and to do what you can to stay under a score of 2,000, especially in crowded areas. Under 1,000 is even better. These are only guidelines, but be aware that the higher your score is, the more lag you generate for other people, particularly those with older machines.
Green (Good), Yellow (Eh), or Red (Meh!)
    Most people can make an avatar which looks similar to their normal avatar,     but has a lower ARC. It can be a good idea to keep a low-ARC avatar to take     to high-lag or popular events, or to wear to classes that are likely to generate     lag (such as building or scripting classes).
         1. Start by bringing the ARC up: Advanced Menu > Rendering > Info Displays > Avatar Rendering Cost
        2. Make a note of all the attachments you wear on your regular avatar.
        3. Detach everything. (Right click on yourself, select Detach, then select Detach All.)
        4. Gradually attach each item, making a note of which items increase your ARC most.
        5. If you're a competent builder yourself, look at "How ARC is calculated" and remove unnecessary particles, flexi, bumpmapping, texture animation and prims from copy/modify high-ARC objects.
 Some hairstyles, for instance, have more than one style within the same object, with the second style being invisible. You can reduce the ARC of that hair just by making a version without the second style - and look exactly the same.
        6. Otherwise, you can look for low ARC objects that have a similar look to the high ARC version. Use demos to figure out the ARC of an object before purchase.
[13:22]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: COMBAT OTHERS HIGH ARC (extreme lag cases only):
What to do if someone with high rendering cost is causing you lag?
(This is more for if "all else fails" and your system is too taxed to play)
If you have avatar impostors enabled, mute them. They will be replaced by an impostor, with the effective rendering cost of 1. Their original rendering cost will still be displayed. This is particularly useful on machines that get poor frame rates, you can mute high cost avatars to help increase your frame rate in crowded areas.
IN CLOSING, whether your ARC rating is 1 or 5,000, it may not make a big difference in the load on a sim. But the load on the viewer isn’t to be ignored. Remember, not everyone has a high end multi-processor computer or blazing fast connection. And little things like this make a huge difference to others wishing to enjoy their experience in our sim. Please show consideration to others in this matter.
[13:24]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: MAIN thing.....PLEASE know how to make ur avatar LOW on ARC!
[13:25]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: so begin learing how to check what u wear and watch th enumber change so u kow what s high and what not
[13:26]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Green (Good), Yellow (Eh), or Red (Meh!)
[13:26]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: Anrol suggest to keep ur avy at all times under 3000
[13:27]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: for photo shoots u can go all out though
[13:27]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: cause lag doesnt matter
[13:27]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: if u come into a fahsion show with 6000 or 10000 ARC she will lake u take stuff off, lol
[13:27]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: make*
[13:28]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: but once u have experienced a bad lag show, u learn to appreciate it, lol
 :::::::: Organizing Your Inventory ::::::
 The inventory is divided into different folders (that are not modifiable and are default folders you have from SL)
[13:32]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: You also have the ability to make new folders and subdivide folders as needed which we will discuss in detail later. Lets discuss now how to apply filters, how to search, create folders and subfolders and how to classify them. On the top of your inventory you will find 3 choices FILE/ CREATE/ SORT
 First is FILE:
If you click on it you will see sub commands:
- OPEN (opens the file that you have highlighted)
- NEW WINDOW (it duplicates the inventory window so you may have several windows open at once)
- SHOW FILTERS (this allows you to check or uncheck the different items in your inventory for easier search)
- RESET FILTERS (resets the filters)
- CLOSE ALL FOLDERS (closes all open folders)
- EMPTY TRASH (clears out your trash folder. *Warning- before you empty your trash be sure you don't need anything in there because this is a irreversible delete)
 Next is CREATE:
This command is used to create new items in our inventory.
- NEW FOLDERS (creates a new folder. * Very important to a models inventory)
- NEW SCRIPTS (to create a script)
- NEW NOTE (to create a note)
- NEW GESTURE (to create a gesture)
- NEW CLOTHES (allows you to create several kinds of clothes)
- NEW BODY PARTS (allows you to create several kinds of body parts, shape, skin, hair eyes)
 Next is SORT:
it allows you to sort items:
BY NAME (alphabetical order)
BY DATE (on top the most recent) It is best to sort your folders always by name.
And then click an X on Folders Always by Name, and also System Folders to Top.
[13:34]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: You also have a search bar. To SEARCH your inventory, you can type in something you know to have in your inventory but you don't remember which folder it is located. Here the filters are very useful because if we are looking for hair we bought a while ago and we remember only a part of name like "up do" but not the brand or the name, you can type in the search bar "up do" and it will search your inventory for anything that has up do in it. If you want to narrow it down even more, in the FILTERS function you can uncheck all but objects so neither landmarks , note cards etc. will show up and your search will be easier.
The rule is...there is no rule!!! That is because everyone has a personal method. Some may like to put all their clothes in the clothing folder and others have a very detailed system of subfolders. I am able to survive just because I meticulously create subfolders and accurately classify everything. Every folder may have many subfolders in it and it is up to you to determine how they be divided. My personal system is made to be as easy as it can for ME. This may work for you, or not, but your welcome to try it out and see if it works for you.
[13:35]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: I use a simple sub-folders system. They look like this:
 Casuals- Summer
 Casuals- Winter
 (any other accessories, purse, hats, flowers for hair, gloves, scarfs and such)
[13:36]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: What is in each folder is self-explanatory. I always keep the brand name of my clothes in front of the name so they become alphabetically organized by brand name. I never rename an item!
[13:37]  VeronicaLynn Parx-Bayn: AGAIN, there is no right way. You just need to develop a method for yourself so that you can quickly find your items in your inventory!

1) You must attend Monday's styling event to WATCH and learn first!
Monday March 7th
Event: Styling 1990's Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

2) You must COMPETE in Tuesday's styling event and we will be grading you!
Tuesday March 8th
Event: Styling Creative Mermaids Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt